
What Your Doctor Might Not Tell You About Anxiety There are many things your doctor might not tell you about anxiety. In this series, we will be examining the top three. #1: Guilt can cause anxiety and actually is a leading culprit.  As women, we are socialized into being givers and pleasers. Remember the adage […]

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Four Things Peaceful Women Do for Serenity Peaceful women do things differently.  Here are four things you can put into practice that will help you achieve that same peace. 1.  Peaceful women know their limits.  They don’t overextend themselves beyond their comfort level.   They know their limits with time, work, energy, eating, spending, drinking, or

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How Women Can Relax Their Body to Relieve Anxiety A body scan puts you back in your body so you can help yourself with the anxiety. Anxiety is not just emotional, it has those “pesky” physical symptoms.  You know the ones that make you think you might have a serious illness?  These symptoms create more

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The Four Common Mistakes Women Make That Increase Anxiety Did you know there are four common mistakes women make that can increase their anxiety?  When you are working to relieve anxiety, removing or reducing these four things will build a solid foundation for recovery.  Mistake #1:  Drinking caffeine. Because anxiety can prevent a restful nights sleep,

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Reducing Stress With Deep-Belly Breathing Is it possible to reduce stress in 3-5 minutes?  Absolutely. Let me explain why. When you are experiencing anxiety, your body is in a fight- flight-freeze stress response. You can activate this stress response by remembering a difficult situation, looking at an overwhelming to do list, watching a scary movie or worrying

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