Discover EFT Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique for Stress and Anxiety Relief

EFT on the side of the eye

Proven to Relieve Anxiety

EFT Tapping is a tool you can use in the moment to relieve anxiety. It is easy to learn and proven to lower anxiety. There are no known side effects.  

It’s surprising how many women who have been in therapy don’t have effective tools.  It’s surprising because there are so many tools proven to lower anxiety. And when anxiety is lowered, it makes literally everything in your life much easier.

What Clients are Saying:

“Every time I do EFT tapping, it works.”

“I have so many tools to use to help myself. I feel so much better than when we first started and people see it.”

Life gets easier because when you are anxious, everything revolves around trying to not be anxious. Meanwhile problems mount up. It’s an exhausting cycle you may feel you can’t break free from, creating even more anxiety.  

This is why the first part of anxiety treatment is to have tools for your tool kit.  Clients often repeat to themselves what they’ve been taught “tools, tools, tools.”

EFT Tapping on the chest

What is EFT?

EFT is self-administered by tapping on specific acupoints on your upper body while focusing on the issue or problem. Sometimes called acupuncture without needles, it sends a calming signal to the brain thus lowering anxiety.

EFT can be used in sessions to help you resolve difficult emotions. It is common to avoid intense feelings for fear of becoming overwhelmed.  Avoiding these feelings allows them to get bigger and scarier. 

EFT is a gentle approach you can use on your own. Once mastered it gives you courage to face even the darkest emotions without becoming overpowered or stuck. In this way, EFT allows you to feel comfortable and do your therapy work at a pace that is right for you.

My clients have used EFT on the following with excellent results:

  • “What if” fears about what could happen
  • Inability to relax
  • Racing thoughts, overthinking or difficulty making decisions
  • Marital or relationship issues
  • Parenting concerns
  • Physical symptoms of anxiety
  • Uncomfortable memories about the past
  • Death of a loved one
  • Physical illnesses or the fear of having an illness